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ボストン日本人研究者交流会 (BJRF)


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第165回 ボストン日本人研究者交流会基調講演会 2018年9月15日(土) のご案内

9月15日(土)開催の研究者交流会では、Massachusetts Institute of Technology 宮川繁 教授による基調講演を行います。





Organizing Committee ボストン日本人研究者交流会 (Boston Japanese Researchers Forum) 幹事

國尾 美絵 (幹事長), Canon USA Inc., Healthcare Optics Research Laboratory

田主 陽 (副幹事長), Ph.D candidate, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

大賀 拓史 (副幹事長), Human Metabolome Technologies America, Inc.

河内山 彩夏, Master of Science Student, Materials Science and Engineering, Brown University

金岡 つづき, IQVIA, BBC IVD Solutions

松居 彩, Research Fellow, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

加々美 綾乃, Master of Science Student, System Design and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

塩田 仁志, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School

荻野 周史(アドバイザー), Chief of MPE Program and Professor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Professor, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health; Associate Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

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